'A' levels was just out on friday and DHS 1st batch of students have done the school proud! good good... i wasnt really teaching this batch when they were in jnr high, so frankly speaking, i cant really rejoice with them cos i only know a handful... however i would like to say something to those students that i know...
baojia, yunshan, berlinda, amelia, minhua - these are the 5 students that i know even when they were in yr 2...
baojia - i know u through the yr 1 orientation. u were the shortest amongst peiqi and lili and dunno who is the other SC... back then, we were having fun with the hula hoop in the hall... and i joined in... hahaha.. those were the days, anyway, u have grown so much in wisdom and maturity (not too much in height though... :) ) and u have made it! 8 distinctions! congrats!
yunshan, minhua, amelia, jiexin - 4 of u told me u dint do well, my words to you are: i am still proud of you... not because of that piece of paper, but because of who u have become. yup, at the instant, time stopped and you feel that you have not gotten the results that you always had wanted. there was this sense of disappointment, you cried. BUT, all i wan to say is this - throughout 6 yrs of education in DHS, i hope you will NOT only bring back your A level certificate, you will bring back memories, wisdom, moral uprightness, the way to treat people with respect, compassion, love, leadership, courage, honesty, integrity and many lessons that you cant find in the textbooks that you are gg be putting in the storeroom. if the only thing u wanna get from DHS is a piece of EXCELLENT result certificate, then i would have failed. i would have failed being a teacher... a jnr high SC teacher... i would have failed, through all my interaction with u all - not able to teach you about life...
shan - remember we did the first mooncake treasure hunt and went all over DHS to take photos of things that passes our eyes too fast, too tiny? may that be a lesson in our lives that we do not take things for granted, that we will, at times, stop and smell the tiny flowers at the roadside... it was good working with u.
hua - remember mr ang and myself sent u home one night after some event. you told us u lived in geylang and we were rather amused and surprised? may that be a lesson in our lives that who we are is not determined by where we stay, what we have but rather what is inside us.
amelia - remember last year i was very tired after some event and u offered me a drink? may that be a lesson in our lives to see what people cant see, to feel what people cant feel to step in and help others who are in need...
see, these are the things that cant be found in textbooks! so cry - not because you are disappointed, but rather you have finished a stage of your life, going to another....
berlinda - i dun have a chance to ask you how u fare for ur As... but i got a very nice note from you! a very pleasant surprise to me on a saturday morning when i go empty my tray in the office. its me who want to thank you for all the smiles that you given to my camera that i can captured your best moments in DHS. we are not that close to be friends, but i certainly know how much u have given to SC and to the school. with that, i want to thank you - for all the hardwork and effect you have put in. no worries, with me around, walnut production will continue... and i hope that i will cya around in school...
jiexin - know you through badminton, and since then somehow or rather, i keep on bumping into you and eventhough our interaction is to its bare minimum, you always greeted me as a teacher. remember, to stay cheerful and happy!
take care, my students who have now become my friends, Godspeed in whatever things you embrace on!
3 cheers to life.