Thursday, July 16, 2009

reflections on 15th july 2009

yesterday was my birthday and that silly charlotte tricked my in believing that there was an exco interview on that faithful afternoon. i was so sad cos i am gg to miss my beloved afternoon nap and had to attend the interview session....

THEN WHEN I WENT INTO SC ROOM, MY HEART MELTED TO SEE MY BELOVED SCs there celebrating my birthday! hahaha... thanks a lot kids :)

i also got a few sms from students everywhere blessing me with birthday wishes and wishing that i would find my one soon - well, kids, this type of things cannot be hurried one. must open eyes big big to see, anyone can be a friend, but not anyone can be a girl friend or even my wife. no worries, when there is good news, i will post it on the blog.

i also wanna take this chance to thank 4J for giving me the lovely stitch paw and also the pinball machine. well, the pinball machine got to wait for a long time to play with my kid. as for the paw - now i got another cushion in my car... i hope i am forgiven for the wrong-doings i had done to the class....

as for 4F, thanks for the birthday song, although a certain person sing VERY softly right in front of me, it was a good one... hahaha... the recent 躲猫猫 game was fun, but need to tone down a bit.

dinner was good with boss ang, master tan, michelle, june n alex and boss chor howe. its been a long time since we eat together and be merry. only one that i missed is 二哥. come back fast leh...

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