Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the walnut story

for those who are so interested in why the 'walnut production', it all comes from the walnut story that i have been giving to my classes from 1998 till now... with all the constraints and restrictions we have in our lives, may we all grow and be like a walnut to maximize our stay on this temporary home...


Consider the walnut! If you compare a walnut with some of the beautiful and exciting things that grow on our planet, it does not seem to be a marvelous act of creation. It is common looking, rough, not particular attractive, and certainly not monetarily valuable. Besides, it is small. Its growth is limited by the hard shell that surrounds it, the shell from which it never escapes on its own. Of course, though, that’s the wrong way to judge a walnut. Break a walnut open and look inside. See how the walnut has grown to fill every nook and cranny available to it. It had no say in the size or shape of that shell, but given those limitations, it achieved its full potential of growth. How lucky we will be if, like the walnut, we blossom and bloom in every space of life that is given to us. Take heart! If one nut can do it, so can you.

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